American Bee Journal, Maggio 2023 —indice

International Honey Market Report
Ron Phipps – 483

Justin Schmidt (1947-2023): The Man Who Was Stung for Science
M.E.A. McNeil – 507

 Why Aren’t We Sampling Drones? As preferred hosts, they can serve as an early-warning system for varroa infestation
Zac Lamas – 515

A Study on Bee Drift and Mite Immigration — Part 4
Randy Oliver – 519

A Year as a Commercial Beekeeper — May
Charles Linder – 525

Cuban European Honey Bees are Calm, Productive and Varroa Resistant
Stephen Martin, Anais Luis and Adolfo Pérez Piñeiro – 529

Natural Beekeeping: A Response
Jeremy Barnes – 533

Honey Bee Pedigrees
Peter L Borst – 541

Buying Bees in 2023 — Just What Is It We’re Selling?
Charles Linder – 557

Queen Replacement Guide, Part 4
Jake Barker – 559

Concepts and Methods for the First-time Queen Rearer, Part 2
MiKayla Henry – 564

Thai Basil Stands Out in the Beekeeper’s Yard
Steve Hinrichs – 569

Secrets of Beekeeping
Andy Hemken – 571

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